The Pioneers Academy

The Pioneers Academy

  • Art & Design

    GCSE Art and Design (Fine Art)

    Examining Board: EdExcel (Fine Art 1FA0)

    Aim of the course:

    Art and Design will help you to learn about the visual world, acquire the ability to investigate, observe, analyse, experiment and problem-solve. The course will also enable you to continue to develop your practical skills learnt at KS3 and to express your ideas visually and help you develop your imaginative powers.

    Overview of the course

    The Fine Art syllabus requires a variety of fine art media to be explored throughout the course, such as:

    • Painting and drawing (using a variety of Medium and technique)
    • Printmaking (mono printing, lino cutting and etching)
    • Sculpture, mixed media
    • Photography (composition, lighting, viewpoint, effects and manipulation using ICT)

    Examination and Assessment Methods

    Unit 1- Portfolio/Coursework: The coursework element includes the use of sketchbooks in which you will be required to show your research, investigations and development of ideas from a given starting point to produce a variety of outcomes. Unit 1 accounts for 60% of your grade.

    Unit 2 – Externally Set Assignment: You will complete one ten-hour examination that is held over two days in April/May of Year 11. A broad theme (set by the exam board) needs to be personally interpreted and prepared prior to the exam in a timed preparatory period. Unit 2 is worth 40% of the GCSE.

    Exhibition: At the end of the course in June, there will be a celebratory exhibition of all students’ work. This work will be internally assessed by art teachers and moderated at the exhibition by a visiting assessor.