The Pioneers Academy

The Pioneers Academy

  • English Literature

    GCSE English Literature

    Examining Board: AQA 8702

    Aims of the Course:

    • read a wide range of classic literature fluently and with good understanding and make connections across their reading
    • read in depth, critically and evaluatively so that they are able to discuss and explain their understanding and ideas
    • develop the habit of reading widely and often
    • appreciate the depth and power of the English literary heritage
    • write accurately, effectively and analytically about their reading, using Standard English
    • acquire and use a wide vocabulary, including the grammatical terminology and other literary and linguistic terms they need to criticise and analyse what they read.

    Overview of the Course

    Students will study a Shakespeare play of choice and will be required to write in detail about an extract from the play and then to write about the play. Students will study a 19th century novel and will study extracts from the novel and the whole text. Modern texts, including prose and drama will be studied, as well as a range of poetry from an anthology and some unseen poetry.

    Examination and Assessment Methods

    Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel (1 hour 45 minutes) 40% of GCSE

    Section A: Shakespeare: -to answer one question on a chosen Shakespeare play.

    Section B: The 19th-century novel- to answer one question on a 19th century novel.


    Paper 2: Modern texts and poetry (2 hours 15 minutes) 60%

    Section A: Modern texts - one question

    Section B: Poetry - one question from a pre-seen anthology of poems

    Section C: Unseen Poetry - two questions on two unseen poems.